Crown Chakra
Enlightenment-Higher Self- Wisdom
Crown Chakra (The Sahasrara) is located at the very top of the head and is our universal connection to beauty and spirituality. It is associated with higher power, divine wisdom, (whatever your belief system), enlightenment, imagination, awareness, and connection to the universe. Feel strong, clear, and increased vitality when the crown chakra is balanced.
Scent: Frankincense. Myrrh. Patchouli
Crystals: Lepidolite. Amethyst. Rainbow Moonstone. Clear Quartz. Selenite.
Herbs: St. Johns Wart, Holy Basil, Gotu Kola, Lotus Flower
Bundle Includes: 8 oz. All natural Soy Candle infused with essential oils, crystals, and herbs
1-Rainbow rose petal smudge stick, 1 Amethyst, information/ ritual cards
(Stones may slightly vary and size, color, and shape)