Introducing the Goddess Ritual Kits a sacred collection that invites you to connect with your goddess energy. These enchanting kits is designed to enhance your spiritual journey and awaken the divine energy within you.
Some exciting offerings are coming but first up, tap into a goddess that aligns with you. I wrote, packed and created these goddess ritual kits hoping to connect with women and honoring the goddess energy they want for thier lives.
🌿Gaia- Connect with earth element, grounding, fertility, growth
Gaia Kit Includes- 2 crystals, spell jar , herbs, green candle, incense, mini essential oil ritual card
💗Aphrodite-Love, Passion, beauty, self love and honor
Aphrodite Kit Includes- 1 crystals, spell jar , herbs, pink candle, incense, mini dried roses, bath salts, and ritual card
🌙 Selene-Divine Feminine, moon, water element, mystic, magic
Selene Kit Includes- 2 crystals, spell jar , herbs, white candle, palo santo smudge stick , bath salts, mini essential oil and ritual card
💰 Lakshmi- Abundance, prosperity, wealth
Laskshmi Kit Includes- 2 crystals, spell jar , herbs, yellow candle, incense, mini essential oil ritual card
🐍 Medusa-Protection, Resilence, Power
Medusa Kit Includes- 2 crystals, spell jar , herbs, green candle, incense, mini essential oil ritual card
🦌 Artemis- Huntress, Self-reliance, Nature
Artemis Kit Includes- 2 crystals, spell jar , herbs, green candle, incense, mini essential oil ritual card
🖤 Lilith- Independence, Seduction, Empowerment
Lilith Kit Includes- 2 crystals, spell jar , herbs, black candle, incense, mini essential oil ritual card
Each kit is a little different with different colors, incense, herbs, crystals, essential oils, some come with bath salts depending, and a custom ritual card for each. Tap into the energy that serves you through your own goddess work.